Thursday, December 28, 2006
Old story: Women may have it worse
The basic take-away from this article about women and our retirement years:
"In September, a bipartisan group of senators introduced the Women's Retirement Security Act. Among other things, it would require employers to allow long-term, part-time workers to participate in 401(k) plans and require most companies that lack retirement plans to make payroll deductions for employees' individual retirement accounts.
The idea is 'to level the playing field' to help women save for the future, said Sen. Gordon H. Smith (R-Ore.), one of the sponsors.
Apart from changes to policy, many say, individuals [including individual women] must do more themselves to prepare for the long haul. That means saving more and working longer."
Friday, December 22, 2006
Martha Stewart's Days of Christmas [with Erma Bombeck]
Undoubtedly there's some of you older ladies around who remember the dear humorist and columnist Erma Bombeck. One of my all-time favorite funny ladies.
Check out the link above to see how Erma would likely reply to a correspondence from Martha Stewart.
So, are you more like Martha? or more like Erma?
I most definitely have always been an "Erma" - for better or worse, mostly better. (At least I've stayed out of prison...)
It is good to have some "Martha"s around, however, to take care of the details, and all that other stuff that we "Erma"s would rather not be bothered with - or get around to.
Happy Holidays! : D
Monday, December 18, 2006
Happy New Year! : For Women Old Enough... :
I wish you a Happy New Year - as well as Happy Holidays, of course, also I announce the return of my joyful, colorful "Happy New Year!" graphic and its merchandise, as well as adding some new merchandise.
Find this graphic and its goods in "Sales & Features" here. You can also click the live link above to get there.
Hope you're enjoying the Holiday Season, All. And a Merry Christmas, too!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Hormone fears rise with cancer news
This is another article about the breast cancer/HRT news from yesterday, but is not the same, going further into past and current use of HRT.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Breast cancer rate plunged 7 pct. in '03
This story is about me and my breast cancer.
Okay, not specifically me, but a big group of women just like me.
"U.S. breast cancer rates plunged an unprecedented 7 percent in 2003, the year after millions of women stopped taking menopause hormones when a study showed the pills raise the risk of tumors."
I quit my HRT in the Summer of 2002 because I wished to get away from hormones and try more natural ways of dealing with menopausal issues. My doctors' original arguments for my HRT use was prevention of osteoporosis. That, in fact, was what clinched my decision to accept their HRT. (I had been resistant and argumentative about it for years. I never have gone along blindly with authorities - I have to be convinced.)
Anyway, I had gotten osteoporosis in spite of my HRT. I had no bad menopause symptoms (or whatever you call them). So, why continue the HRT?
That Fall in 2003 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Interestingly, my tumors were very strongly receptive to hormones. "Strongly receptive" is pathology jargon for the years I was taking HRT I was feeding my tumors an all-you-can-eat gourmet buffet! Every day every HRT pill I popped was a feast for my tumors.
Creepy! Makes me angry, too.
I've been through surgery, chemo, and radiation. Any possibly remaining tumor cells are now being starved with a hormone-blocker, Tamoxefin.
Even an onocology nurse thought it likely that my breast cancer was due to HRT. She also mentioned the problem of too many women having too large a hormone-load during their lifetimes. For example, I, as so many young women in the '70s, took birth-control pills. And, those were strong birth-control pills in those days - big hormone doses. I've had a big hormone load in my life. I didn't do anything wrong - this is what women my age were encouraged to do by our doctors: take "The Pill" and, then later, HRT.
That HRT could have killed me - no lie. Thank God for mammography - I never would have known. Even my doctors couldn't feel my tumors.
I have looked into the calls for class-action suits against Wyeth - I fit the criteria. I just haven't bothered with it, although my kids are encouraging me to do so.
Me again:
"Cases dropped most among women 50 and older — the age group taking hormones. The decline was biggest for tumors whose growth is fueled by estrogen — the type most affected by hormone use....
[After the big fall off of HRT use in 2002-03] Estrogen-sensitive tumors declined twice as much as tumors that are not fueled by estrogen. The decline in incidence among women ages 50-69 was three times that of other age groups."
The big take-away from this news:
= This likely reduces my risk of recurrence in that I am not taking HRT (exactly the opposite, with my Tamoxefin use).
= It probably reduces my daughters' risk for breast cancer. (Although my cancer was never believed to be genetically-driven. But, still...this report does point to reduced risk for my daughters.)
= Avoid HRT! Not just me - all you women over 40 reading this.
Monday, December 11, 2006
CafePress Christmas Shipping Update & Info
Hope you're all enjoying the Holiday Season. : ) Have you been as busy as I am? I'm sure you have been.
About the CafePress shipping referred to uptop...
Beginning December 8 the following shipping options will be offered:
• Free Shipping on orders over $50 = Will not make it in time for Christmas
• Standard Shipping = Order by December 11 to receive in time for Christmas
• 2-Day Shipping = Order by December 18 to receive in time for Christmas
• Next Day Shipping = Order by December 20 to receive in time for Christmas
Canada/International = Order by December 8, 11:59pm PST to receive in time for Christmas
Friday, November 17, 2006
CafePress Calendar Sale & Free Shipping Offer
FREE Ground Shipping with purchases of $50 or more
November 16 – December 20
Starting on Monday, the CafePress Calendar Sale:
20% Off All Calendars*
November 20 – December 03
*Only applies to Calendars that are $24 or less, subject to availability. Discount cannot be combined with coupons or bulk order discounts. No code required; discount is automatically applied when you purchase Calendars. Promotion starts on November 20, 2006, at 12:00 a.m. (PST) and ends on December 3, 2006, at 11:59 p.m. (PST).
Shop For Women Old Enough to Know Better store and
Music Stuff & More store
Friday, November 10, 2006
Growth of PDA injuries a concern for companies
P.D.A. injury is an issue for many of us. I can tell when I'm using my Palm too much. I especially get into trouble - after work, in front of the T.V. - when I get over-involved with my Solitaire games. (It's hard on the Palm batteries, too!)
How many of us have suffered from too much keyboarding? How about "mouse finger"? (Too many mouse clicks!)
Yeah, yeah. I know about all this stuff, I've had all of the above. Had tendinitis bad enough to send me to the doctor. Even more than once.
(My tendons got battered from my piano-playing as well, but that's another matter, in the distant past, and aside and separate from these new-technology issues... Before these new-technology issues even existed!)
I fend off more of these injuries with stopping before I get sore, and with giving my hands a rest. Taking Ibuprofen (sp?) when needed for its anti-inflammatory effect. Stretching and exercises for your arms and hands are very helpful. Cold therapy is good when your hands start getting sore and "throbby."
And, be sure to see your doctor if you get worse, or it doesn't go away! I found that going straight to a specialist helped me most. My family doctor just kept giving me anti-inflammatories, even a cortisone shot. Didn't do the job, not at all. I was much better off going to sports-medicine doctors, who gave me wrist braces and exercises/stretches.
I've been fine for a long time, happily. A big part of it is knowing when to stop. I continue the exercises and stretches, too.
Which reminds me, it's getting close to time to stop. ; ) Time to wrap up my computer work and go do something else. My hands are starting to "talk to me" a little, if you know what I mean, and odds are you do.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Nancy Pelosi
(It's good that the two of them are off to a positive start.)
Whatever your politics, however you voted, whatever your opinion of Nancy Pelosi, you have to admit that it's cool to have a woman be the Speaker of the House. An historical first.
Note that Pelosi raised five boys - handling the House shouldn't be much of a stretch for her... ; )
Massive recall of acetaminophen underway
As the article says, you might want to check your medicine cabinets.
On the personal front, I'll have to ask my husband if he was busy removing these pills today (he works in a CVS pharmacy). Jeez, it's bad enough "Big Pharm" is troubled on account of the election, then this...
Forgive me - but what a pain.
Anyway, be safe, check your "generic Tylenol" made by Perrigo. Even old pills are at risk. Check the FDA links and other extra info in this linked article.
Friday, November 03, 2006
SALES & FEATURES : For Women Old Enough... :
Oh my, what a day for a CafePress shopkeeper!
I woke up to find a CafePress announcement about a whole bunch of new colors and merchandise having been added overnight. (I had not a clue that it was coming...!)
So, while overwhelming, the news is good. These are some great additions.
New merchandise - lots for women. New "long sleeve wear." New colors.
You'll find some examples linked above in the "Sales & Features" section on the storefront of the "For Women Old Enough..." store. Take a look.
What's new, in a nutshell:
= White Women's Long Sleeve T-Shirt
= Women's Dark Long Sleeve T-Shirt, coming in Black or Brown (!)
= Men's Long Sleeve Dark T-Shirt, coming in Black (The Steve Jobs look? ; ) or in Navy
= the Men's White Long Sleeve T-Shirt, already present, now coming also in Ash Grey
= the already-present Men's Dark T-Shirt, now coming in Black, Red, (the following, italicized, is brand-new) Navy, or Khaki Green
= Women's Dark T-Shirt, at present available only in Black.
Wow. Yeah...
Look for many more additions in "Sales & Features" here and throughout the store. (I'd like to add more graphics for black/dark wear as well...).
Yes, all this is happening in my "numero uno" store (a.k.a. Music Stuff & More) as well, for you of a musical bent.
Hope you had a fun Halloween, and have a good Election. (I've already voted - I always vote.)
Monday, October 16, 2006
Red wine can help prevent stroke damage: study
Yet another reason to drink red wine on a regular basis (moderately, that is).
Thursday, October 12, 2006
AARP - Get Fit on Route 66
Yes, AARP - I indeed am a woman old enough to know better. It's actually a good site, and the AARP can actually be helpful in many ways to those of us lucky enough to be over 50.
I've started this AARP Fitness "Game." (I need all the physical activity encouragement I can get, frankly. It's about getting off my "but", as well as my butt!)
I like Route 66: - I liked the TV series, I like the TV series theme song, I like how Rte. 66 goes from Chicago (my hometown!) to L.A. (where I live now), old cars are fun and cool, I like seeing (sort of) America, I enjoy the '50s graphics on the site...
Ever see the recent movie "Cars"? It features Rte. 66.
Oh, how does the game work? The more minutes you spend physically (walking, exercise, also physical work of whatever kind...), the more miles down Route 66 your car will go. You pick your own classic car - which is hard, because I wanted all of them. I settled for a woodie like my dad had when I was little. But I was so tempted by the 'Vette (the TV series car, also), as well as the big tail-fin classic...
There's also a diner, BTW.
Let's see how this goes! Heading down the highway... (Rte 66 theme alternating with music from "Cars" as well as a bit of "Born to Be Wild")
First off, to do something so I can get some mileage going instead of just talking about it! Getting off my "but"/butt now! (How about you?)
Study: Decaf coffee has some caffeine
I've heard this before, years ago? but this is yet further evidence. Highlights from the article...
"Instant decaffeinated Folgers Coffee Crystals didn't have any caffeine, but the others contained caffeine ranging from 8.6 milligrams to 13.9 milligrams. Typically, 16 ounces of drip-brewed coffee contain about 170 milligrams of caffeine.
Researchers also analyzed 12 samples of Starbucks decaffeinated espresso and brewed decaffeinated coffee. The espresso drinks had from 3 milligrams to 15.8 milligrams each, while the brewed coffee had from 12 to 13.4 milligrams per 16-ounce drink.
Even moderate caffeine levels can increase heart rate, blood pressure, agitation and anxiety in some people, Goldberger said." [italics mine]
So what it comes down to is that you can't assume you're caffeine-free if you drink decaf all day and all night. Well, except maybe if you only drink Folger's instant decaf...
So much for my caution in having a Starbuck's decaf in the evening, avoiding the caffeine which might keep me awake. (See the quote about Starbuck's above.)
For the caffeine-wary: Note that chocolate, tea, and many soft drinks contain caffeine, although, obviously, in lesser amounts than coffee.
P.S. I don't think I own stock in Folger's! Many coffees are good.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Cola consumption linked to weaker bones in women
Here's the bottom line: it's the phosphoric acid in the cola drinks that trashes our bones:
"Cola contains phosphoric acid, the researchers note, which impairs calcium absorption and increases excretion of the mineral. Caffeine has also been linked to osteoporosis, they add." [bolding and italics mine]
I don't know if this means all soft drinks, or only cola drinks. Time to check the soft-drink labels!
Doctors urge more playtime for children
I have watched the change from children simply playing to playdate appointments and children with full schedules and little free time. Also children stuck in front of screens of one kind or another (Okay, I'll admit I watched too much TV myself; my son, too much video games and computers...)
Playdates? Guess I'm too old, but I don't remember such a term - or activity. My children span two generations (X and Y), but none of them ever had a playdate.
Not that a playdate is a bad thing - it's just sad that it is such a thing has to be planned, organized, and scheduled. And by the parents, not the kids.
Back in my day (a billion years ago), and even my children's, for a child it was simply a matter of why don't you see if your friend's home? or see if Susan or Diana (in my case) want to come out and play?
"Go and play," our parents used to say. Or "Go outside and play. Go out and play in the yard." How and what this "playing" consisted of was up to us and, perhaps, our friends and/or siblings.
Yes, sometimes such less-supervised play lead to bored and mischievious kids getting into trouble. But if you stayed close to home and behaved yourself, 99% of the time all was fine.
We had lots of sports equipment and toys, also bikes and skates. There was the neighborhood park, the playground at our school. We had more active games, such as tag and hide-and-seek, also.
I used to spend an awful lot of time bouncing a rubber ball against a brick wall then catching it. Really. Or I'd go out in our large backyard and hit baseballs with a bat or golfballs with a nine-iron.
In my fortunate case, there was "The Prairie" - and swamp! - to explore and where I picked wild violets to bring home to Mom. My brother built a tree house and a raft at "The Swamp." In the winter there were board games, card games, TV (yeah...), perusing "Mad" magazines and comic books, just hanging out and talking. Outside was ice skating - and snow! Lots to do with snow - snow forts, snowball fights, snow angels, snowmen.
I loved my special super-sized box of crayons (55? with the sharpener on the back!) - and was an avid crayon and coloring-book user.
Anyway, do you see a common element here? Play used to be more physical, as well as spontaneous. More creative, too, in the sense that we kids were on our own to figure out what to do.
And, of course, there was much less pressure and busyness. We had lots of time to fill. Yeah, we got bored sometimes, but so what?
Some organized play is a good thing. For example, I enjoyed and benefitted from the Girl Scouts and the Recreation Department programs at the neighborhood parks (went to Wrigley Field once!), summer camps (a church camp in my case)... These are good things for a child. But not too much of it!
I'll admit to doing perhaps a little too much chauffering of my own children... Generation X children were starting to get busy, and I fell into the drill as one of the Boomer moms 0f Gen X. Wanted my kids to take advantage of all the wonderful offerings - lessons (so many!), Scouts/Camp Fire Girls, etc... By the time my Gen Y son was born I was starting to burn out on the chauffering thing, frankly!
Bottomline of all my ramblings here: Yes, let's have our children play more! Just simply play more.
Furthermore, moms might want to consider for themselves how busy they want to be "enriching" their children's lives. For example, I have spent far too much time chauffering in my life. Makes for more stressed, tired, and crabby moms - not good either for mom or for the family.
(BTW, yes, I grew up in the Midwest. Yes, my mom was a homemaker, as well as all my friends' moms. Yes, I was a primarily a stay-at-home mom during most of the time I was raising my own children.)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Halloween Sale
CafePress is having a Halloween promotion starting tomorrow, 10/5, through 10/18.
The deal is $10 off a purchase of $50 or more
Use coupon code: HLWN2006
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
What I'm here to plug is the importance of "Women Old Enough to Know Better" - or in this case, women over 40 - being sure to get their annual mammogram.
It is that important.
It is entirely possible that if I did not have a mammogram in 2002 that I might not even be alive to write this thing right now. Neither I nor any doctor was aware of the fact that I had breast cancer. Only the mammogram showed it. There was no obvious lump or other abnormality.
So just go. It's not at all bad, really. Certainly much better than the alternative!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
For Moms : For Women Old Enough... :
I said I'd be adding (and moving up) winterwear - and today I added (and moved) considerably in the "Moms Rule" sections. Check it out. (Click links above, please.)
Moms Rule! (Well, you knew that, anyway. ; )
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Many women unaware they're pre-diabetic
Lots of good health news today.
This is a very important article...
"Getting fatter around the middle? Have a family history of heart disease or diabetes? You could be headed for the same trouble, especially if you're over 40 and female."
"...insulin resistance, a type of pre-diabetes, is a growing national problem: Some experts believe half of all overweight or obese American adults are insulin-resistant."
All the boldings and italics are mine.
But you might want to read those quotes twice - they're that important.
FWIW, this Summer I found myself to be - fitting the profile above perfectly - with Type 2 diabetes. (Not bad, but with glucose numbers bad enough for the diagnosis. I had no symptoms, just was having some routine blood work done.)
I'd been meaning to work harder at losing weight - diabetes sure gave me the needed kick in the pants. Technically, I'm not even over-weight anymore, and my middle is decreasing as well. : D
Red Wine May Help Prevent Alzheimer's
I'll lift a glass to that!
I keep coming across more and more news reports about red wine - in moderation! - being a healthy thing.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Three-year-old buys pink convertible on Internet
Guess he liked it!
Beware of the e-Bay "Buy It Now" button around little ones.
As the little boy's mom said, "Jack's a whizz on the PC..."
Yeah, I'd said he is. He bought himself a Nissan convertible for $17,000.
(Happily the seller understood and gave the kid his money back.)
Click the link above and check out the photo of said car - it does kind of look like a kid's toy...
Friday, September 22, 2006
Average home has more TVs than people
OTOH, we have three people in our household now, and, um, three TVs...
Part of it is that as long as a TV still works, why not keep it if there's room for it? I'm sure I'm not alone in that practice.
Says something sad somehow about the average American family, too, if you think about it...
An even more amazing fact I read in my paper this morning was that people are watching more TV than ever. How?! People work longer hours, are so busy, there's cellphones, iPods, the Internet, popular games, and on and on... Most of that so-called TV-watching must be the TV just being on, maybe actually watched, maybe not?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
I'm Seeing Red (@ CafePress)
They will be labeled "dark T-shirts" and you can choose between red or black.
I've put some examples in the "Sales & Features" area. (Not sure if that red works with that "Born 2 B Wild." Maybe the original black was better after all, hmmm...might change that to black again...)
The red T-shirts will be especially nice for Christmas - something for all of us (yes, me too) to keep in mind.
Former Texas governor Ann Richards dies
I've always liked this feisty, smart lady. Sorry to see her go.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
SALES & FEATURES : For Women Old Enough... :
Excitement @ CafePress today - new products!
Well, okay, some old products that now come in additional colors. Nice colors.
If you check out the link above you'll see some samples of the new colors.
Infant and toddler T-shirts, also infant creepers, now come in pink, blue, or the usual white. Your choice. (In rare circumstances I won't be offering an item which will look horrendous, IMO, on a particular color, such as orange and yellow flowers on pink, for one.)
Also, adult sweatshirts - the plain as well as the hooded kind - are available in white in addition to the usual gray. Again, your choice.
These are not items I need to add as the new color choices are already in my stores. So these new colors are available now - no waiting.
As you may notice many of my graphics look better on blue or pink or white. For example, my colorful "Groovy Grandma" '60s-inspired graphic is better, IMO, on white than on gray.
It's nice that you can decide for yourself. You may prefer gray, just the same, and you can have it.
Coming soon (I expect it real soon, since it was supposed to come out with this other new merch. Next week was mentioned by the CafePress people.)... Being able to choose the color dark red - "cardinal" is what it's called - as well as black for what was formerly called "black T-shirts" but will now be labeled "dark T-shirts." So, your choice: black or dark red. As with the new colors above, once the dark red shirts are available they will be available immediately wherever there are black shirts in my stores. Dark red - I believe they had Christmas in mind. Maybe you might, too?
So check out the new colors. Enjoy.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Vaccine could cut cervical cancer deaths
Maybe you've heard about this vaccine before, but this vaccine is so life-saving, it's worth mentioning again.
If my daughters were still young (both are grown), I'd have taken them for this vaccine.
Gee, between this vaccine and the already-common Pap test, imagine the progress against cervical cancer.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
CNN `Live From...' the ladies room
(One reason why I'm glad I don't go around miked.)
Ladies, please do remember to shut off your mic before entering the Ladies Room.
You never know what might come out on a live TV broadcast.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Woman crashes when teaching dog to drive
Now dog owners have gone much too far with this one. Or, at least this one lady!
Lesson: Do not even try to teach your dog to drive.
It's bad enough seeing people talking on their cellphones as they're driving. I do not want to see a dog behind the wheel - ever!
PS: Did you catch the dogs with wigs on Leno the other night?
CafePress Sale EXTENDED - Again! & Other News
Free Shipping on orders over $50
Coupon Code: BTS2006
Max discount $5
Now expires on September 5
Other news? Look for the Women Old Enough to Know Better store to be more fall/winter-oriented. The sleeveless items will be "less handy" and the long-sleeved and other warmer wear will be more readily available, ie. up top. Graphics which have not been shown on "warmer wear" will now be.
The Season's and the weather's changing!
You might want to check out my latest graphics in the NEW NEW NEW section of Music Stuff & More, especially if you like music. The Tuba Guy is particularly nice for children, I think.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Duct Tape fashions, duct tape wallets, duct tape clothing, duct tape purses, duck tape everything!
(Sorry for the absence.) Note that the spelling of "ducK" tape above is theirs, not mine.
So, ladies, how would you like it if your guy sent you some duct (or "duck", see above) tape flowers?
Hmmm, lovely... Smells good too (I say sarcastically, of course!).
The upside? Indestructable!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Guide to Setting Up an Ergonomic Computer Station
I thought this looked helpful (I'm going to use it for myself.).
Who wants more aches and pains?
Thursday, August 10, 2006
10 Looks to Love from Fall '06 Fashion Week
Giving my own thumbs up to...
~ leggings, if they're paired with a long, loose top, as we wore them back in the '80s
~(long) shorts (after all, I do live in SoCal)
~lots of dresses, some of which even sound comfortable and flattering for those of us over 25...
~vests, including the longer ones
Now, a big thumbs down to...
~The Wide Belt (I'm 5'2" - this belt would be wearing me. Besides, only the very skinny can get away with this look.)
Friday, August 04, 2006
For Women Old Enough to Know Better store :
Yes, I'm still here. July was rough - the heat, for one thing (my Office does not have AC. It will before next Summer!).
Anyway, there's a bit of new graphics over in Music Stuff & More store - blue "Pretty Nerdy", also "Phil Angleides" (for California Governor - 2006 Election).
There's a Back-to-School Sale:
Free Shipping on orders over $50
Coupon Code: BTS2006
August 1 - 14
Max discount $5
And, again, don't forget the new shipping rate:
$5 Flat Shipping is a shipping rate of $5 for up to 5 items for orders shipped within the US.
Rate excludes shipping for custom postage, posters and framed prints, which ship separately and incur an additional charge. Shipping for individual orders of custom postage, stickers, buttons and CDs may have lower shipping rates.
Hope you're keeping cool and having a happy Summer.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Are you a woman going solo? Try a blow-up man
Are you a woman going solo? Try a blow-up man - Yahoo! News (Reuters)
This sounds like something kinky, but it's not at all.
What I'm wondering is if Mr. Inflatible could get you into the carpool lane...? (Requires two or more in the car.) No small thing on these Los Angeles area freeways. No, not quite honest. Hmm, imagine what a cop might think/say about Mr. Inflatible?
Another thought: if some creep saw you hanging around with Mr. Inflatible he might think you're so weird he might not want to mess with you (too dangerous - who knows what a weirdo like you might do?)
Something else about Mr. Inflatible - he needs to lose weight. The man is seriously bloated.
Why do I feel the strange impluse to take a black marker, a kerchief, some beads, and make Mr. Inflatible look like a fat Captain Jack (cutey Pirate Johnny Depp)? Maybe because I'm strange, also go to too many movies (AC!).
As the article says... "...when a woman has finished using him, she can just pull the plug and he deflates. " Is that The Perfect Man, or what?
Note, however, that Mr. Inflatible is unemployed - he won't bring home a dime. Major flaw, that.
He'd also be useless for cutting the grass or hauling the garbage.
Pretty much a bum.
Excellent listener, though.
Friday, July 14, 2006
New Graphics & CafePress Shipping News
As for the CafePress shipping news, quoting them:
$5 Flat Shipping is a shipping rate of $5 for up to 5 items for orders shipped within the US.
Rate excludes shipping for custom postage,
posters and framed prints, which ship separately and incur an additional charge. Shipping for individual orders of custom postage, stickers, buttons and CDs may have lower shipping rates.
Only $5 for 5 items is pretty cool.
Keep cool! Enjoy the weekend.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
How to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning
Are you having a cool Summer?
No, I'm not either.
I thought I'd share this cool article for those of us unlucky enough to be without AC (under normal circumstances, it's not needed in this coast town - hello, global warming??)
Any way you look at it, this article here has some handy tips for keeping cool.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Mediterranean beats low-fat diet for heart health
And, I think it's more fun. And isn't a bit of red wine good for you? Pass me the Chianti (to go with my Mediterranean Diet), please.
Although, my guess is it's probably eat the pasta in moderation (the carb thing) and to cook it "al dente" (not overcooked!).
What the American Heart Association has to say about the Mediterranean Diet.
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Roots of human family tree are shallow - Yahoo! News
A mind-blowing article!
...means everybody on Earth descends from somebody who was around as recently as the reign of Tutankhamen, maybe even during the Golden Age of ancient Greece. There's even a chance that our last shared ancestor lived at the time of Christ.
Hmm, gives brotherhood an extra meaning.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Americans' circle of close friends shrinking
Strange and not good.
Something I don't understand, though - if people have fewer friends, then what's going on with so many people in so many conversations on their cellphones? Who are they talking to so much?
People do seem to more communicative than ever and with more modes of communication than ever. And they are communicating with...? (Not to mention about what?)
I'm missing something here, perhaps?
(I do know my children will "cellphone" me about matters that they either wouldn't have mentioned, or would have waited until they next saw me, etc. in The Days Before Cellphones. FWIW, I do not have a cellphone, believe it or not.)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
10 ways to save $500 or more: Financial News
I appreciate these common-sense steps we can all take.
Some of these are even good for the environment and for our health (note that what's good for the environment is also good for our health).
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
CafePress - Summer Sale!
Giving you a closer look into "Can-Do Wear" (see above link), plus news about the latest CafePress Sale:
Small Mug : $2 off
Kids' Baseball Jersey : $2 off
Men's Sleeveless T-Shirt : $3 off
Women's Tank Top : $3 off
Green T-Shirt : $2 off
Trucker Hat : $2 off
Sale ends June 30, 2006.
You will see the old prices with a red slash and the new prices in red.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Sunscreens faulted on cancer protection
It's easy to get a false sense of security or to not use sunscreens in the most effective manner.
Shade, wide-brim hats, sunglasses, covering-up (say, wearing a T-shirt when you swim - so what if it gets wet?), staying out of the sun in the middle of the day remain the most effective protection against skin cancer (as well as painful sunburn).
Apparently sunscreens and sunblocks should still be used - and follow the instructions! - but not relied on 100% for protection from the sun.
My family is a fair bunch - half of it being Swedish and the rest various other Northern Europeans. We've had rampant skin cancer in our family - including melonoma. My Swedish father seems to have paid a high price for his shirtless days in the South Pacific during WWII with melonoma and repeated skin cancers on his back. To my knowledge, I don't have it, but probably will at some point. Point being - watch out. Especially if you're fair. Southern California (where I am) is not exactly the best location for for us pale ones. All the more reason for caution. (I dislike the sun, anyway, frankly...)
Web auctions, the new jackpot for middle Americans
eBay does have its potential.
I have only tested the waters of being an eBay seller, selling a Michael Jackson/Disneyland free souvenir pin (a perq for being a member of the press) for over $6.
I like the idea of taking excess, not-really-wanted, in-the-way stuff around my home and making money with it on eBay. This is pretty much the same as what people do with yard sales, garage sales, and swap meets. eBay is for the lazy and cheap among us (me) who would rather do it online. So much easier and more convenient. Besides - I don't have a yard or a garage!
Yes, I plan to do more eBay in the future...
Another good source are the used-book sites - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bargain books to buy, and a great way to get rid of, especially novels and out-dated books, that you don't really want or need anymore and are just getting in the way.
I did have a bookseller rip me off on Amazon, but Amazon's guarantee covered my loss (with a reminder from Amazon that, as a result, I had used up one of my three money-back guarantees).
There is some hassle to selling on eBay, etc. - setting up the ad, the product photo(s) - and definitely the shipping. But, all in all, there's some opportunity here.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Seniors moving out of nursing home system
And a good thing. I'd like to see this expand.
Around the country, nursing homes — once consider life's final stop — are
experiencing a growing number of residents who are packing up and moving out, as
more and more seniors receive the help they need through home care or in
assisted living settings.
The economics of this "new way" is interesting as well in that it could be less expensive for everyone all around. The article goes into this.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Yahoo, world's most popular e-mail, hit by worm
This doesn't seem to be real serious, but Yahoo suggested that Yahoo Mail users block the address
I have done so, just to be on the safe side.
Apparently, this worm doesn't appear to be a problem with the latest version of Yahoo Mail Beta.
Monday, June 12, 2006
Students find ring tone adults can't hear
Have you heard this yet? Or rather, not heard it?
It's humbling, frankly. Makes one feel old.
My son has this spooky ringtone mentioned above. My husband can't hear it; I can, but just barely (it's almost as if I'm imagining hearing something...).
Animals react to it. At least my son's girlfriend's cat can clearly hear it, reacting to it (wondering where it's coming from).
Friday, June 09, 2006
My Apologies re the Groovy Ladies Page
I'm sorry that it's kinda sloppy. I also had to cut out a section, which I copied and pasted onto Notepad so I could stick it back into the Page properly later. Something I had to do because I didn't have an hour at the time - it was the weekend! - to screw around, er, work with it.
I'm a Graphic Designer, not a Web Designer. Sometimes it shows. ; )
If you like B. Kliban cats, check out the the new link, just the same. The title above will get you to the GL Page.
Have a nice weekend, Ladies!
wikiHow - The How-To Manual
This place is fascinating, amusing. And useful.
Of course you want to know how to "Survive in the Woods for 3 days", "Run up a Wall and Flip", "Bury Your Burdens"... and much, much more.
Much of the advice is genuinely useful to most of us, such as "Extend the Life of Your Car."
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Detox clinic opening for video addicts
Haven't we all known some kid who just spends - or would like to - too much time playing these games?
I remember tearing my son away from his beloved "screens" (TV, Nintendo, computer...), and getting him out of the house. Frequently, regularly.
Showing my age, but, I remember "going out to play", "going to play with a friend", "going over to my friend's house", "going out in the yard"... Back in the day we spent so much more time outside (and this was in Chicago, not in this nice weather here in SoCal). Also being physical - playing at the park, running, walking, biking, doing cartwheels, playing catch, outdoor games (remember tag and hide-and-seek?), sports... No talk of obese kids back then.
Exercise suggested for menopause symptoms
Far, far better than HRT, IMHO.
But, yes, I recall a retired lady friend telling me that walking was what got her through menopause, confirming that advice above.
Exercise is so good for a body, anyway...
(Now for me to do more!)
FDA approves cervical cancer vaccine
Anyway - good news about this vaccine!
Good news indeed."Fortunately, we can now include the worst types of HPV and most cervical cancer in the list of diseases that no one need suffer or die from ever again," said Alex Azar, deputy Health and Human Services secretary.
Monday, June 05, 2006
Study says millions have 'rage' disorder
Do you know anyone like this? Or maybe you're this way yourself?
I never could figure out "road rage", but, perhaps this is a partial explanation (not excuse!!) for some of it?
I wonder how much abuse is the result of this disorder?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Yes, you read that correctly.
This is pushing the envelope pretty hard for this blog, definitely PG-13. You're warned. Besides, aren't all of you over 13? It's worth it.
Yes, some menstrual and "sanitary products" humor. Kinda fits in with the previous Tampon Bowling here, doesn't it?
Some of my favorites: Auntie Flo (I get that...), Liberace's Shower Tampon (over the top, of course, too fancy), Tampon Ghost, Just Spotting, Tampon Devil With An Attitude, The Grim Reaper [The Final] Tampon.
Perhaps the only thing worse than spending time blogging about tamponart is...actually doing it! I have to wonder how these ladies explain what they're doing to those they live with? Husbands? Children? Well, whatever...! ; )
Dr. Weil's Five Foods that Can Help Your Health
The five foods, briefly, click the above title for more info:
1. Fiber (what we once called "roughage")
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts, some fish, etc.)
3. Garlic (good for your heart and more, plus yummy)
4. Mushrooms (helps the immune system - especially the Japanese shiitake and maitake)
5. Spices (ginger and turmeric - turmeric usually found in curry - both also yummy, with anti-inflammatory properties)
Speaking of spices, it's now believed that cinnamon is good for blood sugar issues, such as diabetes. I always did like a little cinnamon in my coffee - now I make a point of it.
Monday, May 29, 2006 - U.S. is an impatient nation, poll finds
From the article...
Curious.And it seems people don't mellow with age. The survey found older people to
be more impatient than younger people.
Back to the general population, is this impatience about us being too busy? Is there too much to do? Are there too many of us?
I actually can remember when the U. S. population was less than 150 million - about half what it is today. It did seem to make things more relaxed and less crowded overall. Unless, of course, you were in the thick of a major city.
We definitely are busier than we used to be. It's not that people worked less in the past; it's more that life was simpler - less multi-tasking, as well as less to do.
Factor in, also, that when we had only 150 million people two-income households and single parents were rare. Mom stayed home and took care of home, family, and household chores. Dad went out and made the money and did "Dad" chores on the weekend - cut the grass, fix things, paint the house, etc. As a result, the family's workload was spread out between two people. A lifestyle rare nowadays - for better and for worse.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Sale! Also New Graphics/Merchandise

Dad Day's Sale
Free Shipping on orders over $50
(max discount $7)
Coupon Code: DADSHIP
Offer Valid: 5/30 - 6/9
* * *
The "You Can Do It!" graphic is brand-new - uploaded and finished today. Here it is as a white T-shirt, but there is an entire section of "You Can Do It!" goodies for those who believe. (Whether you need to lose weight - or whatever your dreams may be.)
You might also want to check out my new Vinci da Leonardo graphics - having some fun with Leonardo da Vinci and his mirror writing, plus all that... from my other CafePress Premium store Music Stuff & More
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Chocolate may boost brain power - Yahoo! News
Yet another good news story about chocolate. : )
Turns out it can make us smarter. Who'd have guessed?
How's this for hard work...
"...had a group of volunteers consume, on four separate occasions, 85 grams of milk chocolate; 85 grams of dark chocolate..."
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Baby Boomers Push RV Ownership to Record
You know it would be kind of appealing to tool around California (where I live anyway) and nearby states in my home.... Hmmm?
Monday, May 22, 2006
YouTube - The Haircuts: So Rare & Flippin' (Sid Caesar)
Even if you aren't old enough to be familiar with these guys - Carl Reiner (Rob "Meathead" Reiner's dad), Sid Caesar, and Howard Morris, you'll enjoy these pomadored singing and dancing goofballs parodying some '50s rock'n'roll groups. Be sure to catch the dancing - that's the best part, IMO. : )
And, while I'm at it:
First Non-Drug Asthma Treatment Tested
A procedure which may or may not be effective.
Think I'll stick to my Advair, thank you!
Although, note that this procedure is used as a last resort for serious asthma suffers who don't respond to meds. So, actually this treatment, however extreme, could save lives.
The Norman Rockwell Code Movie - A short film parody inspired by The Da Vinci Code.
Did you like "The Da Vinci Code" - book and/or movie? (The movie's a little too long, but well worth seeing if for no other reason - the visuals: The Louvre, Paris, the churches, etc. But don't skip the book because you saw the movie.)
Have you ever been an "Andy Griffith Show" fan?
It all comes together in this funny parody which stars Professor Fife (Barney's son) in the "Da Vinci Code"'s Tom Hanks role. You'll never guess the secret about Sopha (spelling is correct). Watch (out) for Floyd the Barber's son, who is up to no good, and who also has a big secret of his own.
I guaranteed that no Christians will be offended in the making of this film. Red Lobster might be...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Grow a Container Garden
Don't think you can have a garden? Think again.
This is a content-rich Page about container gardening from iVillage - about flowers, herbs, vegetables, and even something curiously called "Pond in a Barrel" (Isn't that what happens if you have an open barrel and it rains?? Surely must be more to it than that. : )
I'll be using this handy Page for reference for my balcony.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Happy Mother's Day!
For more Mother's Day stuff visit the Groovy Ladies Page on my website
You'll also find some Mother's Day stuff on the Wazzup Page. (Like my Yahoo avatar in her/my Mother's Day get up.)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mothers Day " Hi Mom " on Squidoo
A neat Mother's Day site. I especially appreciated the following:
4 Year of Age: My Mommy can do anything!
8 Year of Age: My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 Year of Age: My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 Year of Age: Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 Year of Age: Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 Year of Age: That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 Year of Age: Well, she might know a little bit about it.
35 Year of Age: Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
45 Year of Age: Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
65 Year of Age: Wish I could talk it over with Mom.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Nursing home admission predictable in middle-age
This is spooky.
I have to agree, though. It's pretty much a no-brainer that certain lifestyle habbits and conditions might be conducive to finding oneself in a nursing home someday. From the article:
"Even after other health factors were taken into consideration, the presence of modifiable lifestyle factors -- smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes, but not total cholesterol -- substantially increased the risk of nursing home placement."
White Whole-Wheat Becoming Popular
Have your white bread and your healthy bread too.
White whole wheat flour would be a better choice for baking (the dark whole wheat bread is fine, but dark whole wheat cookies?), and for making sauces and gravies as well.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Soda Distributors to End Most School Sales
Hurray! This is certainly a step in the right direction for the sake of our children's health.
Study: US mothers deserve $134,121 in salary
Moms are worth our weight in gold - but I knew that. Didn't we all know that?
"...housekeeper, day-care teacher, cook, computer operator, laundry machine operator, janitor, facilities manager, van driver, chief executive and
How about nanny?! nurse? gardener? painter? decorator? accountant? Etc. Etc.?
(Now the "computer operator" part I don't quite understand...
I raised my children without the use of a computer. In fact, I don't know how it could have been possible, or how it is now. ??? I'm missing something here.)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Granny In Paradise Game
Granny is a hero who protects pets from the forces of evil, gardening all along the way. Trouble is Granny is plagued by this evil creature who beats her up - clearly not a good thing and which also interfers with her good-deed doing. Help Granny out along her way.
Very a game for women old enough to know better, when they have some free time (make some - you do need it). The music is calming, it doesn't go too fast (Granny can't). It does get tense when Granny needs rescue herself. Dig that hole to get rid of that bad guy, better than trying to "run as fast as you can."
This game is similar to Pac-Man and Mario.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
CafePress Sale Until May 5th (next Friday)
(Max discount $7)
Coupon Code: MOMSHIP
Sorry I didn't mention this sooner. Instead I left you guys hanging onto the free Ben & Jerry's ice cream cone last Tuesday...
I'll be better this week.
Mother's Day is coming - May 14.
Don't miss the Mother's Day offerings in For Women Old Enough... store:
Mom's section
Grandma's section
I'll put more merchandise in these sections this week.
And, of course, moms welcome all kinds of gifts - they sure don't have to have "Mom" or "Grandma" emblazoned across them.
Consider what Mom likes, also her interests.
Speaking as a mom, no doubt your mom'd like some of that 1-800-Flowers I've got there on the sidebar here (look to your right, look down until you find the 1-800-Flowers banners, go ahead and click on them).
Yes, 1-800-Flowers is my new affiliate partner. ; )
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day
Get a free scoop on B & J to celebrate their birthday.
Noon to 8 pm.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Many Cancer Survivors Stop Mammographies
And it's one of the dumbest things they could do.
It's seriously tempting for a cancer survivor to walk out at the end of treatment with the desire to never, ever return to that awful place again. It is like returning to the scene of an accident. It's too much like re-living a bad part of your life.
Sure it's scary. Scarier is letting it go, then having a cancer that, as a result, is more difficult - or even impossible - to cure.
Speaking as an almost three-year breast cancer survivor, I hate going, I really hate going. It is scary. But I know I'm better off getting my mammograms (and related blood tests) then if I don't - for the reason stated just above.
From the article:
"... survivors avoid screenings because they dread a recurrence of the cancer and additional treatment."
This is a kind of magic thinking - if you don't look for it, it won't be there.
These women simply have to buckle on their courage and do what's best for them, what they need to do: just go!
Stop being wusses. Do the right thing. All in all you really are better off for it.
Also, remember ALL women over 40 are supposed to have annual mammograms. It just might save your life - probably saved mine.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Dry Eye Strikes Many Menopausal Women
A good thing to know.
"...62 percent of older women [meaning over 50] experience dry eye..."
So, surely, there's some of you out there with it - read this article for what this dry eye is, and what to do about it.
Phony doctor gives free breast exams
What the heck!
" claiming to be a doctor went door-to-door in a Florida neighborhood offering free breast exams..."
Consider this: Just how stupid can a woman be to accept a "free breast exam" from some strange guy who simply just shows up on her doorstep...?
Even if he did do a fair impersonation of a doctor? Gyn/OB's doing house calls? Yeah, right.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Hurray - Feedburner works again
Of course when the Feedburner stuff/feed came back all the white was gone off my blog font on the Groovy Ladies Page.
But, never mind, it's fixed. : )
It's all good.
Time to make dinner already... Do you think after 9 pm is late enough?
Feedburner Strangeness; Earth Day!
I thought maybe it was me being a flawed Webmaster/mistress, but, no, the fault does not seem to lie with me. I'll keep my eye on this, and get it straightened out as soon as I can.
More importantly, April 22, Saturday (and every day!) is Earth Day.
Linking into my Earth Day stuff on my website: Lots of good Earthly info, especially "What You Can Do" - actions you and I can take NOW. Many of these actions are actually easy - sometimes we just get busy and forget. These reminders are a good thing.
Late for this year's Earth Day, but still good year-round, are the Earth Day graphics merchandise in the Earth Day section of the "For Women Old Enough..." store.
There are none of my own in there right now, but you can find lots of "good Earth stuff" from other CafePress shopkeepers there.
Monday, April 17, 2006
New Cancer Drug Shows Fewer Side Effects
So the osteoporosis medicine Raloxifene is giving the estrogen-blocker Tamoxifen some competition in the battle against breast cancer, according to an announcement by the National Cancer Institute today.
Man Trading Up From Paper Clip to House
Ah, the power of Internet. Add to it creativity, imagination, and the entrepreneuring spirit. Thinking outside of the box.
You hear about these stories in regard to eBay, but this business activity has been taking place in the barter section of Craigslist.
Be sure to check out the slide show that goes with this article to fully view the giant red paper clip at the center of all this.
Now, I've got to go look for some famous person on some of food of mine so I can auction the thing off on eBay and get rich... ; ) ?
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Robot Birth Simulator Gaining Popularity
I found this headline intriguing and just had to find out what this was about. Robots giving birth? Huh?
The article is basically about mannequin-like robots used for training medical personnel.
Yes, there is a "robot" who simulates a woman who goes through labor and childbirth, right down to delivering a little "robot" baby.
All in all this sounds like a good idea. And fascinating.
Friday, April 14, 2006
New Sale & Other News re the "For Women..."store
"For Women Old Enough..." store
The Sale? My own. Until the end of April.
$2 off Junior Ringer Tees
This sale is in both my Premium - big - stores, to make for less confusion for you and for me. It's called simplification - a good thing.
Have a Happy Easter and/or Passover!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
June Pointer of the Pointer Sisters Dies
Too bad... Especially since June Pointer was only in her fifties.
The Pointer Sisters had such joyful music.
My favorite of theirs - certainly a joyful song:
Jump (For My Love) - the entire Pointers' album may pop up, Track #12 is "Jump" (just scroll down)
That's legal music just above - I have Rhapsody Unlimited - I won it at the eComXpo. : )
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Everyone's fat but me, Americans say in poll
What's that saying? De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt?
These people polled are in full-on denial. It's almost funny, if it weren't so unhealthy.
Personal discovery: Pasta sticks to me - eat too much pasta one day and I can gain a 1/2 - 1 lb.! Perhaps others of you may have the same problem?
It's those darn carbs...
Unfortunately I really like pasta. Oh well! hires child safety czar from Microsoft
This is good news.
Wow, MySpace is the second most visited place on the Internet. (Makes me wonder what's the first? Yahoo? Google? What?)
Friday, April 07, 2006
Grandson Lucas Walks!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
New Things Around the Store & Other News
I've also created a new section called "FUN." Can't have too much of that, eh? Most of what I talked about in the preceding paragraph is in this new section. Right now find fun animals and food fun. I think they're neat - hope you do too.
More seriously, I've started a section about Autism Awareness, which includes several of my graphics, plus "TopicAds" for other CafePress shopkeepers' Autism Awareness merchandise. Note that included at the top of the landing page of the section are a couple of links about autism. I especially like that "What is Autism?" link because it's as if someone with autism is explaining to you what's it's all about. Makes it more real and personal.
April is also the month for Earth Day - April 22 - my plan is to make a graphic or two for that. If I don't get to that in time, I'll put others' Earth Day merchandise in here. It's too important not to do something about (anyone see that global warming TIME magazine cover story?).
Also, look for 1-800-Flowers to be on this blog and on the Groovy Ladies Page. I've just got to put the code in already. Along with a link to the Groovy Ladies Page!
I mentioned the CafePress current sale, right?
Coupon Code: Spring10
$10 off $50 Order
Until 4/13
Hope you're having a good Spring.
groovy ladies
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Google Romance
"Pin All Your Romantic Hopes on Google" so says our dear trusty old Search Engine.
Have a giggle at Google, gals.
Considering how hard it is to find the right man, hmmm....
Yep, Google's funning us for April Fool's Day.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Groovy Ladies Page Fixed
I added an item of new "Related Content." I'm going to try to do this weekly. If I can't quite achieve weekly, I'll do as close to that as I can.
Groovy Ladies Page
Friday, March 24, 2006
Sale & "Sales & Features"
"Flowers" are the new Feature in "Sales & Features." Shown are samples of several of my flower graphics. Included is a link to my "Flower Section," which not only includes several of my flower graphics, but several nice flower graphics from other CafePress stores.
Now, as to the upcoming CafePress Spring Sale...
Coupon Code: Spring10
$10 off $50 Order
3/30 - 4/13
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
How Babies Learn Their First Words
From the article...
"... infants tend to grasp the names of objects that interest them rather than whatever the speaker thinks is important, a new study finds."
Makes sense to me! Fits in with my own observations as well.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
New Celtic Crosses
Find even more in my other premium store Music Stuff & More's Celtic Cross section (called "Christian Crosses 2006").
In other matters, note that I've tidied up and added to the Groovy Ladies Page on my website:
Here's some goodies from the Page, expect more to be added regularly.
Cabbage: Frugal Food
From the Frugal Guide Pat Veretto. She talks about cooking up the corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat's Day. (An aside tip: I like to toss a couple of carrots in the pot for goodness and color.)
I've already posted here about the extreme goodness and economy of cabbage, plain and in its salty version - sauerkraut. Yes, eat up - cabbage is easy, very healthy, and dirt cheap!
FrugalGuide Pat includes links to about a zillion recipes for cabbage on this Page here.
Monday, March 13, 2006
The power of OLD people - Google Video
You go, gran'ma.
FYI, I've linked this to the Groovy Ladies Page as well.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
For once, blame the student
Add the parents, too. And, well, the schools. And the government.
Don't even get me started on the state of American education, especially here in California.
In an NPR interview, when the venerable and respected newsman Walter Cronkite was asked what he considered most important for the future of the U.S., Cronkite said, right off, "Education." Plain and simple as that.
It is very important for our country - in many ways.
My personal and extensive experience with education since 1970 - as a parent, school volunteer, college student, college tutor - is quite consistent with the article above.
Let's get going and do something about education already! All of us. And not just throwing $$$ at it - that's not the whole answer, not at all.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
The New Groovy Ladies Page
This store, with its blog here, now has its very own Groovy Ladies Page on my website. The store is no longer being treated as if it were merely a postscript to my older, larger, more established CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More.
The Groovy Ladies Page will have news about the store similiar to this blog, regarding new graphics, new products, sales news, etc. In fact, this blog may also be incorporated into the Page, stay tuned on that.
Also, there's a table on the Page with several merchandise items from the store which you can look at and even buy if you wish. I'll be rotating items on and off of that merchandise table from time to time.
There will also be a "related content" section on this Page. I'm just starting to build this. It will consist of items of interest hopefully to Groovy Ladies, as well as Women Old Enough to Know Better. Look for information and fun. Basically, the sort of non-store items which might be on this blog, but fit better on a Web Page. - the Groovy Ladies Page - Welcome!
Monday, March 06, 2006
Advair, Other Asthma Drug Get Label Alerts
Kinda creepy article. On the personal level, too, as I'm an Advair user.
Advair does enable me to manage my mild asthma. I have more of a life with it than without it. In fact, my asthma is so well managed now that I almost forget I have it. Enough so that it's worth the blasted $160 or more a month. (I do remember my asthma when refill time rolls around. : ( That's a lotta bucks!)
This reminds me when one of my favorite allergy meds was recalled. Remember Seldane?
PS: Do not have grapefruit with Advair. (Darn, I like grapefruit juice.)
Yes, strange, but true. Ask your doctor or read the fine print that comes with the Advair.
What happens is that the grapefruit will strengthen the Advair somehow and you'll wind up with the equivalent of an Advair overdose. Not safe!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Study Shows Babies Try to Help
From the article:
The most encouraging news I've read in a while. I thought I had picked up on this with my own children... So we humans are much nicer at a much earlier age than previously believed...Oops, the scientist dropped his clothespin. Not to worry — a wobbly toddler
raced to help, eagerly handing it back. The simple experiment shows the capacity
for altruism emerges as early as 18 months of age.
(I know babies are a whole lot smarter than we perceive them to be. They can be remarkably crafty, clever, and bright.)
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Re "Born 2 B Wild"
Flowgo - "Biker [Big Wheel] Baby: Born to be Wild!"
Cartoon parody of the famous song - and the song that inspired my "Born 2 B Wild" graphic
The Keys to Happiness, and Why We Don't Use Them
From the article:
Happiness is 50 percent genetic, says University of Minnesota researcher
David Lykken. What you do with the other half of the challenge depends
on determination,
psychologists agree. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy
they make up their minds to be."
Abraham Lincoln was sooo wise.
The article does goes on with what you can do to be happier.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
CafePress "March..." Sale - March 2 - 14
$4 off $40 Order
Coupon Code: MARCH4
March 2 - March 14
Monday, February 27, 2006
Chocolate Linked to Lower Blood Pressure
Yay! : D
Add this to the good news about chocolate I posted here a while back.
It's the cocoa beans - but, consider, also, that the mere act of eating chocolate makes one so relaxed and happy that one's BP has got to go down.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
10 Wearable Spring Fashion Trends
I'm feeling positive about the new Spring clothes...
= Dresses, including empire-waist, shirtwaist (OIOW, even comfortable dresses)
= blue and coral colors
(BTW, actually the perfect palette for the expansion of my California ocean/beach merch...)
= shorts
A Spring trend I personally don't care for are the bows. In the past I've had enough lame bows on my body and in my hair to last a lifetime. Remember the bow clips in the hair, for one example? Often placed dead center in the front above the bangs? Not really a good look...IMHO.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Calif. Woman, 62, Gives Birth to Baby Boy
Why? is my first reaction.
However, I'm glad that great-grandma and baby are doing fine.
Different strokes for different folks, I guess? Whatever turns you on? Glad it's not me, though.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Calcium, also putting the stick to Teflon
First there was that confusing low-fat study (I have to go back and read all that more carefully.), then the not-surprising news that however-useful Teflon is bad for you (didn't we figure that out a long time ago?), now this.
Upshot is - keep taking your calcium, anyway.
And, I don't plan on buying any new Teflon...
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Doing a lot of work on the store...
Check out the new "Sales & Features" with some samples of "Groovy Grandma" and "Phat Granny." Of course, I'll rotating features in and out of this new "Sales & Features" section.
There's now a huge Sudoku section, filled with sub-sections. Loads of Sudoku wears and wares.
And, check out "For Grandma"... This is not your mother's "For Grandma" section.
See "Phat Granny" and "Groovy Grandma"...

Sunday, February 12, 2006
Speaking of Valentine's Day.... Fun & Stuff Here.
So Much Sudoku/Valentine's Day

Hope you have a nice Valentine's Day.
As to the "so much Sudoku", I created eight new Sudoku graphics the other day. I've been "processing" them and have started to make some of them available. Look for more later this week.
To see the Sudoku.
Just one example shown at the left. This is the Junior Ringer Tee in green with the Blue Sudoku graphic.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Reminder: New CafePress Promotion
$5 off $50 - CODE: CUPID5
$10 off $100 - CODE: CUPID10
The "For Women Old Enough to Know Better" store's Valentine section.
Also, for more Valentine goods, many not to be found here, the CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More's Valentine section.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Spring Fashion Trends
Something else to cheer up a winter's day - news about Spring. Here's the fashion trends for Spring.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Much More "Born 2 B Wild"
Check it out, you wild childs.
(Is my Baby Boomer-ness showing? : )
Monday, January 30, 2006
Dreaming of Spring Gardens?
I am. It's just the pick-me-up in January.
When I lived in the Chicago area I was quite young and owned a big, Midwest-style yard. I grew everything. Had a compost pile out back, too.
In Chicago dreaming and planning over my Wayside Gardens, Burpee, and other garden catalogs was just the cure for the dismal depths of a Chicago winter.
Now I'm in Southern California - a very different kind of January! Just the same, I've a cold, and having a lie-down with a few garden books to plan my new balcony garden is just the ticket.
Balcony gardening = container gardening. Therefore, that link above. Maybe you'd like to do some container gardening as well? Have a patio? A porch? A teeny-tiny door yard?
I've had good luck with rose bushes - never planted, kept in the container they came in. Might have a little container tree (might try to grow a little avocado tree from my over-ripe avocadoes). Always vines - especiallly morning glory. New hanging plants? I have parsley that refuses to die - annual in the Midwest, perennial here in SoCal. Parsley is always handy (and healthy) - looks good, too. I've grown container cherry tomatoes successfully - just keep 'em in the pot they come in instead of planting them in the ground just like the roses.
My balcony is brutal with its southern and western exposure with no shade and no protection from the wind. And the sun is indeed more intense in Southern California. I have to plan accordingly. All container gardening requires more frequent watering (or rain), anyway. Note that I plan to buy a good shade umbrella this year for the balcony. Also there's that mention of vines and container trees I made above.
It's fun to dream of gardens in January. : )
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Valentine's Day, also CafePress Promos, also Sudoku
The poop, and please check these links out...
~ - from the new Valentine's Day section here, lots and lots of heart
~ - the new Valentine's Day section, the whole wad
~ - check out the new black Sudoku T-Shirts here.
~ The CafePress Promos:
Jan 20 - Feb 3
Free Super Saver Shipping* on orders over $50
*Domestic shipping only
The CafePress promotion after that will be (this is a sneak preview for you):
Feb 4 - Feb 14
$5 off $50 - CODE: CUPID5
$10 off $100 - CODE: CUPID10
And please visit the For Women Old Enough to Know Better store.
Soon. Have a good one! Thanks for reading.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Dittie: Tampon Bowling
Actually the best bowling game I've ever tried. Um, the traditional bowling pins are replaced by tampons, yes.
Study: Most College Students Lack Skills
We need to make sure our children and grandchldren get their basic skills in this Information Age - one way or the other.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
2006 Golden Globes Fashion Trend Recap - Best Celebrity Trends - iVillage Beauty & Style
A guilty pleasure I'll admit: I like to see what folks are wearing at these awards shows. I have a strong feeling that I am not alone.
Check out the link above to see what some of the women wore at the recent Golden Globes.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Retailers must toss elder buyer stereotypes-report
That's right. For example, from the article:
"One-third of consumers in the range of 55- to 61-years-old prefer to shop online....survey respondents said they own an average of 5.9 high-tech gadgets such as iPod music players or digital cameras."
Man Solves Rubik's Cube in 11.13 Seconds
I am impressed.
Confession: I never could solve that darn thing.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Mideast Barbie dolls don Islamic veil
Something different, although not really surprising.
Wonder what Ken will think? Next thing: Ken in a beard? Covered head?
Anyway, recently I saw a young Muslim woman all-veiled, and I actually envied the lovely sequins she was covered with. (Certainly a contrast to my usual T-Shirt and jeans garb!) Although, frankly, I'm less envious of the entirely-covered ladies when the weather's hot.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Redecorating the Store & Other News
I liked the old look, but I didn't like the way the text was too hard to see and to read in the sidebar. I checked to see if I could change the font color myself, but it was a no go. Readablility is a must.
Hope you like the new look okay. : )
In other store news, the Valentine's Day section is underway.
Also, CafePress is starting a new promotion tomorrow (Jan. 10) until January 19:
$2 off $20 Order - Coupon code: JAN2
$5 off $40 Order - Coupon code: JAN5
Hope you're enjoying the New Year.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Makeover-o-Matic: Free Virtual Makeover - iVillage Beauty
Happy New Year!
(I'm having a bad day on Blogger - I've done several posts only to have them vanish into the blogosphere! Anyway...)
Ever try iVillage's Virtual Makeover-o-Matic?