Thursday, April 06, 2006

New Things Around the Store & Other News

I've been adding a bunch of merchandise from other CafePress stores into this store - affiliates is what it is.

I've also created a new section called "FUN." Can't have too much of that, eh? Most of what I talked about in the preceding paragraph is in this new section. Right now find fun animals and food fun. I think they're neat - hope you do too.

More seriously, I've started a section about Autism Awareness, which includes several of my graphics, plus "TopicAds" for other CafePress shopkeepers' Autism Awareness merchandise. Note that included at the top of the landing page of the section are a couple of links about autism. I especially like that "What is Autism?" link because it's as if someone with autism is explaining to you what's it's all about. Makes it more real and personal.

April is also the month for Earth Day - April 22 - my plan is to make a graphic or two for that. If I don't get to that in time, I'll put others' Earth Day merchandise in here. It's too important not to do something about (anyone see that global warming TIME magazine cover story?).

Also, look for 1-800-Flowers to be on this blog and on the Groovy Ladies Page. I've just got to put the code in already. Along with a link to the Groovy Ladies Page!

I mentioned the CafePress current sale, right?

Coupon Code: Spring10
$10 off $50 Order
Until 4/13

Hope you're having a good Spring.

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