Friday, November 10, 2006

Growth of PDA injuries a concern for companies

Growth of PDA injuries a concern for companies - Yahoo! News (U.S.A. Today)

P.D.A. injury is an issue for many of us. I can tell when I'm using my Palm too much. I especially get into trouble - after work, in front of the T.V. - when I get over-involved with my Solitaire games. (It's hard on the Palm batteries, too!)

How many of us have suffered from too much keyboarding? How about "mouse finger"? (Too many mouse clicks!)

Yeah, yeah. I know about all this stuff, I've had all of the above. Had tendinitis bad enough to send me to the doctor. Even more than once.

(My tendons got battered from my piano-playing as well, but that's another matter, in the distant past, and aside and separate from these new-technology issues... Before these new-technology issues even existed!)

I fend off more of these injuries with stopping before I get sore, and with giving my hands a rest. Taking Ibuprofen (sp?) when needed for its anti-inflammatory effect. Stretching and exercises for your arms and hands are very helpful. Cold therapy is good when your hands start getting sore and "throbby."

And, be sure to see your doctor if you get worse, or it doesn't go away! I found that going straight to a specialist helped me most. My family doctor just kept giving me anti-inflammatories, even a cortisone shot. Didn't do the job, not at all. I was much better off going to sports-medicine doctors, who gave me wrist braces and exercises/stretches.

I've been fine for a long time, happily. A big part of it is knowing when to stop. I continue the exercises and stretches, too.

Which reminds me, it's getting close to time to stop. ; ) Time to wrap up my computer work and go do something else. My hands are starting to "talk to me" a little, if you know what I mean, and odds are you do.

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