Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The New Groovy Ladies Page

The store - "For Women Old Enough..." - and its blog - are finally starting to get the respect they deserve.

This store, with its blog here, now has its very own Groovy Ladies Page on my website. The store is no longer being treated as if it were merely a postscript to my older, larger, more established CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More.

The Groovy Ladies Page will have news about the store similiar to this blog, regarding new graphics, new products, sales news, etc. In fact, this blog may also be incorporated into the Page, stay tuned on that.

Also, there's a table on the Page with several merchandise items from the store which you can look at and even buy if you wish. I'll be rotating items on and off of that merchandise table from time to time.

There will also be a "related content" section on this Page. I'm just starting to build this. It will consist of items of interest hopefully to Groovy Ladies, as well as Women Old Enough to Know Better. Look for information and fun. Basically, the sort of non-store items which might be on this blog, but fit better on a Web Page. - the Groovy Ladies Page - Welcome!

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