Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dr. Weil's Five Foods that Can Help Your Health

I like Dr. Weil a lot and am in tune with him on most things. (I'm not too crazy about how his site tries to sell, sell, sell, however...)

The five foods, briefly, click the above title for more info:

1. Fiber (what we once called "roughage")
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts, some fish, etc.)
3. Garlic (good for your heart and more, plus yummy)
4. Mushrooms (helps the immune system - especially the Japanese shiitake and maitake)
5. Spices (ginger and turmeric - turmeric usually found in curry - both also yummy, with anti-inflammatory properties)

Speaking of spices, it's now believed that cinnamon is good for blood sugar issues, such as diabetes. I always did like a little cinnamon in my coffee - now I make a point of it.

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