Monday, June 26, 2006

Americans' circle of close friends shrinking

Americans' circle of close friends shrinking - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

Strange and not good.

Something I don't understand, though - if people have fewer friends, then what's going on with so many people in so many conversations on their cellphones? Who are they talking to so much?

People do seem to more communicative than ever and with more modes of communication than ever. And they are communicating with...? (Not to mention about what?)

I'm missing something here, perhaps?

(I do know my children will "cellphone" me about matters that they either wouldn't have mentioned, or would have waited until they next saw me, etc. in The Days Before Cellphones. FWIW, I do not have a cellphone, believe it or not.)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

10 ways to save $500 or more: Financial News

10 ways to save $500 or more: Financial News - Yahoo! Finance (

I appreciate these common-sense steps we can all take.

Some of these are even good for the environment and for our health (note that what's good for the environment is also good for our health).

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

CafePress - Summer Sale!

Can-Do Wear : For Women Old Enough... :

Giving you a closer look into "Can-Do Wear" (see above link), plus news about the latest CafePress Sale:

Small Mug : $2 off
Kids' Baseball Jersey : $2 off
Men's Sleeveless T-Shirt : $3 off
Women's Tank Top : $3 off
Green T-Shirt : $2 off
Trucker Hat : $2 off

Sale ends June 30, 2006.

You will see the old prices with a red slash and the new prices in red.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sunscreens faulted on cancer protection

Sunscreens faulted on cancer protection - Yahoo! News (AP)

It's easy to get a false sense of security or to not use sunscreens in the most effective manner.

Shade, wide-brim hats, sunglasses, covering-up (say, wearing a T-shirt when you swim - so what if it gets wet?), staying out of the sun in the middle of the day remain the most effective protection against skin cancer (as well as painful sunburn).

Apparently sunscreens and sunblocks should still be used - and follow the instructions! - but not relied on 100% for protection from the sun.

My family is a fair bunch - half of it being Swedish and the rest various other Northern Europeans. We've had rampant skin cancer in our family - including melonoma. My Swedish father seems to have paid a high price for his shirtless days in the South Pacific during WWII with melonoma and repeated skin cancers on his back. To my knowledge, I don't have it, but probably will at some point. Point being - watch out. Especially if you're fair. Southern California (where I am) is not exactly the best location for for us pale ones. All the more reason for caution. (I dislike the sun, anyway, frankly...)

Web auctions, the new jackpot for middle Americans

Web auctions, the new jackpot for middle Americans - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

eBay does have its potential.

I have only tested the waters of being an eBay seller, selling a Michael Jackson/Disneyland free souvenir pin (a perq for being a member of the press) for over $6.

I like the idea of taking excess, not-really-wanted, in-the-way stuff around my home and making money with it on eBay. This is pretty much the same as what people do with yard sales, garage sales, and swap meets. eBay is for the lazy and cheap among us (me) who would rather do it online. So much easier and more convenient. Besides - I don't have a yard or a garage!

Yes, I plan to do more eBay in the future...

Another good source are the used-book sites - Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bargain books to buy, and a great way to get rid of, especially novels and out-dated books, that you don't really want or need anymore and are just getting in the way.

I did have a bookseller rip me off on Amazon, but Amazon's guarantee covered my loss (with a reminder from Amazon that, as a result, I had used up one of my three money-back guarantees).

There is some hassle to selling on eBay, etc. - setting up the ad, the product photo(s) - and definitely the shipping. But, all in all, there's some opportunity here.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Seniors moving out of nursing home system

Seniors moving out of nursing home system - Yahoo! News (AP)

And a good thing. I'd like to see this expand.

Around the country, nursing homes — once consider life's final stop — are
experiencing a growing number of residents who are packing up and moving out, as
more and more seniors receive the help they need through home care or in
assisted living settings.

The economics of this "new way" is interesting as well in that it could be less expensive for everyone all around. The article goes into this.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Yahoo, world's most popular e-mail, hit by worm

Yahoo, world's most popular e-mail, hit by worm - Yahoo! News (Reuters)

This doesn't seem to be real serious, but Yahoo suggested that Yahoo Mail users block the address

I have done so, just to be on the safe side.

Apparently, this worm doesn't appear to be a problem with the latest version of Yahoo Mail Beta.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Students find ring tone adults can't hear

Students find ring tone adults can't hear - Yahoo! News (AP)

Have you heard this yet? Or rather, not heard it?

It's humbling, frankly. Makes one feel old.

My son has this spooky ringtone mentioned above. My husband can't hear it; I can, but just barely (it's almost as if I'm imagining hearing something...).

Animals react to it. At least my son's girlfriend's cat can clearly hear it, reacting to it (wondering where it's coming from).

Friday, June 09, 2006

My Apologies re the Groovy Ladies Page

I should have known better than to copy a flawed Web Page to create a new Web Page! Duh!

I'm sorry that it's kinda sloppy. I also had to cut out a section, which I copied and pasted onto Notepad so I could stick it back into the Page properly later. Something I had to do because I didn't have an hour at the time - it was the weekend! - to screw around, er, work with it.

I'm a Graphic Designer, not a Web Designer. Sometimes it shows. ; )

If you like B. Kliban cats, check out the the new link, just the same. The title above will get you to the GL Page.

Have a nice weekend, Ladies!

wikiHow - The How-To Manual

wikiHow - The How-To Manual That Anyone Can Write or Edit

This place is fascinating, amusing. And useful.

Of course you want to know how to "Survive in the Woods for 3 days", "Run up a Wall and Flip", "Bury Your Burdens"... and much, much more.

Much of the advice is genuinely useful to most of us, such as "Extend the Life of Your Car."

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Detox clinic opening for video addicts

Detox clinic opening for video addicts - Yahoo! News (AP): "Symptoms of addiction are easy to spot, Bakker says. Parents should take notice if a child neglects usual activities, spends several hours at a time with the computer and has no social life."

Haven't we all known some kid who just spends - or would like to - too much time playing these games?

I remember tearing my son away from his beloved "screens" (TV, Nintendo, computer...), and getting him out of the house. Frequently, regularly.

Showing my age, but, I remember "going out to play", "going to play with a friend", "going over to my friend's house", "going out in the yard"... Back in the day we spent so much more time outside (and this was in Chicago, not in this nice weather here in SoCal). Also being physical - playing at the park, running, walking, biking, doing cartwheels, playing catch, outdoor games (remember tag and hide-and-seek?), sports... No talk of obese kids back then.

Exercise suggested for menopause symptoms

Exercise suggested for menopause symptoms - Yahoo! News (AP)

Far, far better than HRT, IMHO.

But, yes, I recall a retired lady friend telling me that walking was what got her through menopause, confirming that advice above.

Exercise is so good for a body, anyway...

(Now for me to do more!)

FDA approves cervical cancer vaccine

FDA approves cervical cancer vaccine - Yahoo! News: "By age 50, some 80 percent of women have been infected."


Anyway - good news about this vaccine!

"Fortunately, we can now include the worst types of HPV and most cervical cancer in the list of diseases that no one need suffer or die from ever again," said Alex Azar, deputy Health and Human Services secretary.

Good news indeed.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Study says millions have 'rage' disorder

Study says millions have 'rage' disorder - Yahoo! News

Do you know anyone like this? Or maybe you're this way yourself?

I never could figure out "road rage", but, perhaps this is a partial explanation (not excuse!!) for some of it?

I wonder how much abuse is the result of this disorder?

Thursday, June 01, 2006



Yes, you read that correctly.

This is pushing the envelope pretty hard for this blog, definitely PG-13. You're warned. Besides, aren't all of you over 13? It's worth it.

Yes, some menstrual and "sanitary products" humor. Kinda fits in with the previous Tampon Bowling here, doesn't it?

Some of my favorites: Auntie Flo (I get that...), Liberace's Shower Tampon (over the top, of course, too fancy), Tampon Ghost, Just Spotting, Tampon Devil With An Attitude, The Grim Reaper [The Final] Tampon.

Perhaps the only thing worse than spending time blogging about tamponart is...actually doing it! I have to wonder how these ladies explain what they're doing to those they live with? Husbands? Children? Well, whatever...! ; )

Dr. Weil's Five Foods that Can Help Your Health

I like Dr. Weil a lot and am in tune with him on most things. (I'm not too crazy about how his site tries to sell, sell, sell, however...)

The five foods, briefly, click the above title for more info:

1. Fiber (what we once called "roughage")
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (walnuts, some fish, etc.)
3. Garlic (good for your heart and more, plus yummy)
4. Mushrooms (helps the immune system - especially the Japanese shiitake and maitake)
5. Spices (ginger and turmeric - turmeric usually found in curry - both also yummy, with anti-inflammatory properties)

Speaking of spices, it's now believed that cinnamon is good for blood sugar issues, such as diabetes. I always did like a little cinnamon in my coffee - now I make a point of it.