Friday, March 31, 2006

Groovy Ladies Page Fixed

Somehow there was a "Table" mess on the Page. One of those oddities that don't show up when you're putting it together, but if you look carefully enough at it later on the Web, you go OMG, how did that mess ever happen?! and run to fix it. My apologies. You can see why I don't try to sell my services as a Webmaster(mistress).

I added an item of new "Related Content." I'm going to try to do this weekly. If I can't quite achieve weekly, I'll do as close to that as I can.

Groovy Ladies Page

Friday, March 24, 2006

Sale & "Sales & Features"

It's Spring! Spring is blooming.

"Flowers" are the new Feature in "Sales & Features." Shown are samples of several of my flower graphics. Included is a link to my "Flower Section," which not only includes several of my flower graphics, but several nice flower graphics from other CafePress stores.

Now, as to the upcoming CafePress Spring Sale...

Coupon Code: Spring10
$10 off $50 Order
3/30 - 4/13

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

How Babies Learn Their First Words

How Babies Learn Their First Words - Yahoo! News

From the article...

"... infants tend to grasp the names of objects that interest them rather than whatever the speaker thinks is important, a new study finds."

Makes sense to me! Fits in with my own observations as well.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Celtic Crosses

I've been making about a zillion of these - crosses are kind of what I do for Lent. Find some in the "For Women..." store in pink or blue or "subtle" (light gray).

Find even more in my other premium store Music Stuff & More's Celtic Cross section (called "Christian Crosses 2006").

In other matters, note that I've tidied up and added to the Groovy Ladies Page on my website:

Here's some goodies from the Page, expect more to be added regularly.

Cabbage: Frugal Food

Cabbage: Frugal Food

From the Frugal Guide Pat Veretto. She talks about cooking up the corned beef and cabbage for St. Pat's Day. (An aside tip: I like to toss a couple of carrots in the pot for goodness and color.)

I've already posted here about the extreme goodness and economy of cabbage, plain and in its salty version - sauerkraut. Yes, eat up - cabbage is easy, very healthy, and dirt cheap!

FrugalGuide Pat includes links to about a zillion recipes for cabbage on this Page here.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

For once, blame the student

For once, blame the student - Yahoo! News

Add the parents, too. And, well, the schools. And the government.

Don't even get me started on the state of American education, especially here in California.

In an NPR interview, when the venerable and respected newsman Walter Cronkite was asked what he considered most important for the future of the U.S., Cronkite said, right off, "Education." Plain and simple as that.

It is very important for our country - in many ways.

My personal and extensive experience with education since 1970 - as a parent, school volunteer, college student, college tutor - is quite consistent with the article above.

Let's get going and do something about education already! All of us. And not just throwing $$$ at it - that's not the whole answer, not at all.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The New Groovy Ladies Page

The store - "For Women Old Enough..." - and its blog - are finally starting to get the respect they deserve.

This store, with its blog here, now has its very own Groovy Ladies Page on my website. The store is no longer being treated as if it were merely a postscript to my older, larger, more established CHM Design Store - Music Stuff & More.

The Groovy Ladies Page will have news about the store similiar to this blog, regarding new graphics, new products, sales news, etc. In fact, this blog may also be incorporated into the Page, stay tuned on that.

Also, there's a table on the Page with several merchandise items from the store which you can look at and even buy if you wish. I'll be rotating items on and off of that merchandise table from time to time.

There will also be a "related content" section on this Page. I'm just starting to build this. It will consist of items of interest hopefully to Groovy Ladies, as well as Women Old Enough to Know Better. Look for information and fun. Basically, the sort of non-store items which might be on this blog, but fit better on a Web Page. - the Groovy Ladies Page - Welcome!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Advair, Other Asthma Drug Get Label Alerts

Advair, Other Asthma Drug Get Label Alerts - Yahoo! News

Kinda creepy article. On the personal level, too, as I'm an Advair user.

Advair does enable me to manage my mild asthma. I have more of a life with it than without it. In fact, my asthma is so well managed now that I almost forget I have it. Enough so that it's worth the blasted $160 or more a month. (I do remember my asthma when refill time rolls around. : ( That's a lotta bucks!)

This reminds me when one of my favorite allergy meds was recalled. Remember Seldane?

PS: Do not have grapefruit with Advair. (Darn, I like grapefruit juice.)

Yes, strange, but true. Ask your doctor or read the fine print that comes with the Advair.

What happens is that the grapefruit will strengthen the Advair somehow and you'll wind up with the equivalent of an Advair overdose. Not safe!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Study Shows Babies Try to Help

Study Shows Babies Try to Help - Yahoo! News

From the article:

Oops, the scientist dropped his clothespin. Not to worry — a wobbly toddler
raced to help, eagerly handing it back. The simple experiment shows the capacity
for altruism emerges as early as 18 months of age.

The most encouraging news I've read in a while. I thought I had picked up on this with my own children... So we humans are much nicer at a much earlier age than previously believed...

(I know babies are a whole lot smarter than we perceive them to be. They can be remarkably crafty, clever, and bright.)

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Re "Born 2 B Wild"

Working on the funny Pages of my website and came across this...

Flowgo - "Biker [Big Wheel] Baby: Born to be Wild!"

Cartoon parody of the famous song - and the song that inspired my "Born 2 B Wild" graphic

The Keys to Happiness, and Why We Don't Use Them

The Keys to Happiness, and Why We Don't Use Them - Yahoo! News

From the article:

Happiness is 50 percent genetic, says University of Minnesota researcher
David Lykken. What you do with the other half of the challenge depends
on determination,
psychologists agree. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Most people are as happy
they make up their minds to be."

Abraham Lincoln was sooo wise.

The article does goes on with what you can do to be happier.