Monday, February 04, 2008

America : For Women Old Enough... :

America : For Women Old Enough... :

It's Super-Duper, Tsunami Tuesday tomorrow! The Nearly-Half- the-U.S. Presidential Primary!

Am I excited? Yes, can you tell?

Hey, even the fact that a woman is being considered, has a real chance to be a presidential candidate, is a big deal.

But, for me, either an Obama win or a Hillary win is a very good thing. I'll admit I've already mailed-in my vote for Hillary. Very hard to choose - both candidates are so good.

The live links up top are to my American eagles and "Democratic Progress" (yes, appropriate for either Obama or Hillary) graphics/merchandise.

For more of these 2008 Election graphic and merchandise check out my Music Stuff & More store, at this link and at this link

(BTW, behind the scenes I'm in the process of re-organizing my stores, which will result in my not pointing out merchandise in a number of different places! It will be consolidation as well as re-organizing, making my stores easier to use for you - and for me, as well. Ties into the creation of that long-discussed new website of mine, too, which makes sense if you think about it.)

Now, be sure to vote tomorrow!

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