Well, sauerkraut may be the next chicken soup, but, whatever... Tomorrow's about turkey. And stuffing. And cranberry sauce. And... Well, you know. Don't we Americans all eat pretty much the same thing on Thanksgiving?
Just the same, the holiday is about something more important than food - it's about counting our blessings and gratitude and giving thanks to God (or whatever or Whomever you wish to call Him).
My biggest thanks this year is for sweet lil grandson Lucas born on March 2. See him at left, almost too darn beautiful to be a boy. He's a pleasant-natured, easy baby - an especially good thing for my daughter Sarah with her three-year-old twins.
I get to see this little sweetheart tomorrow (a busy crawler now), plus a zillion other family members, children, step-grands, and grandchildren, et al., etc... I'm making the stuffing - my stuffing is famous. I am well aware of and very grateful for my many blessings.
You might want to visit the Thanksgiving section on my fun page - The Wazzup Page - on my site. Look at the Wazzup Table of Contents for the link. Find Thanksgiving goodies there.
Have a happy, healthy, safe Thanksgiving! Enjoy, enjoy.
PS: I have mentioned CafePress's FREE Shipping Promotion, right?
Free Super Saver Shipping on orders over $50 Coupon: FREESHIP The offer ends Dec 6.
AND, black T-shirts have arrived to CafePress today. There's some graphics in the "...Women..." store which would look good on black, watch for them.
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