Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Alzheimer's Could Be Diabetes-like Illness, Study Suggests

Alzheimer's Could Be Diabetes-like Illness, Study Suggests - Yahoo! News

Intriguing, important, and something to watch for further developments. Alzheimer's as a possible Type 3 Diabetes?

Could this mean that it may be possible to control Alzheimer's someday with diet and medicine similar to diabetes treatment? Wouldn't that be wonderful.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Experts: Introverted youth have deep roots for behavior

Experts: Introverted youth have deep roots for behavior - Yahoo! News

As one of the deep-thinking (okay, often pondering, day-dreaming, zoning, what have you) introverts mentioned in this article, I'm especially glad to read something in our defense. Our fellow Americans tend to look down on us.

Study - Longer needles needed for fatter buttocks

Study - Longer needles needed for fatter buttocks - Yahoo! News

This headline drew a mix of responses from me: a LOL, followed by alarm and concern, followed by "Gee,that's a good thing to know."

Although, how many women get shots in their butts instead of in their arms?

I can't clearly remember my last "butt shot."

Still, there's no getting away from it, too many Americans are too fat, with butts that are simply too big. Shame on us. Too much fatty, carby food in portions that are too big, along with not enough physical activity.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Reindeer Crossing Kids T-Shirts

You might want to check out my new "Reindeer Crossing" T-shirts for kids at my Spreadshirt shop

At this Spreadshirt shop there's also a white sweatshirt for adult Christmas kids with the same reindeer crossing warning sign, but with the text "I brake for reindeer"

There are also a few Christmas music shirts - red and green, etc.

I was feeling Christmas-y...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Cranberries may help prevent cavities: study

Cranberries may help prevent cavities: study - Yahoo! News

A good post-Thanksgiving story, eh?

Yet another reason to eat and drink your cranberries.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving & some other stuff(ing?)

Well, sauerkraut may be the next chicken soup, but, whatever... Tomorrow's about turkey. And stuffing. And cranberry sauce. And... Well, you know. Don't we Americans all eat pretty much the same thing on Thanksgiving?

Just the same, the holiday is about something more important than food - it's about counting our blessings and gratitude and giving thanks to God (or whatever or Whomever you wish to call Him).

My biggest thanks this year is for sweet lil grandson Lucas born on March 2. See him at left, almost too darn beautiful to be a boy. He's a pleasant-natured, easy baby - an especially good thing for my daughter Sarah with her three-year-old twins.

I get to see this little sweetheart tomorrow (a busy crawler now), plus a zillion other family members, children, step-grands, and grandchildren, et al., etc... I'm making the stuffing - my stuffing is famous. I am well aware of and very grateful for my many blessings.

You might want to visit the Thanksgiving section on my fun page - The Wazzup Page - on my site. Look at the Wazzup Table of Contents for the link. Find Thanksgiving goodies there.

Have a happy, healthy, safe Thanksgiving! Enjoy, enjoy.

PS: I have mentioned CafePress's FREE Shipping Promotion, right?
Free Super Saver Shipping on orders over $50 Coupon: FREESHIP The offer ends Dec 6.
AND, black T-shirts have arrived to CafePress today. There's some graphics in the "...Women..." store which would look good on black, watch for them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

ABC News: Is Sauerkraut the Next Chicken Soup?

ABC News: Is Sauerkraut the Next Chicken Soup?

This is about reports that sauerkraut and kim chi (a similar Korean fermented cabbage dish) might possibly help fight off avian (bird) flu.

Furthermore, it may also help prevent breast cancer.

This is about the lactic acid in fermented cabbage, in addition to the fact that cabbage, in whatever form, is chockful of vitamins.

Note that cabbage is low in cost. As well as something that can be prepared in many, many ways either cooked or raw.

I have some concern about the saltiness of sauerkraut, excess salt being a negative in regard to high blood pressure (which my husband has) and osteoporosis (which I have). All around, too much salt is not a good thing. The answer, perhaps, which is something I already do: rinse the sauerkraut thoroughly before eating. Just open the can or jar and dump the kraut into a strainer in your sink, then run water through it. (I hope this doesn't wash away the good lactic acid!) Also, to eat sauerkraut in moderation.

But, any way you look at it, cabbage is a good, healthy thing, bird flu or not, kraut or not.

Consider cole slaw or Borscht...yummm...

Senate Passes Bill to Shore Up Pensions

Senate Passes Bill to Shore Up Pensions - Yahoo! News

More good news today!

It's also good to see the Congress getting off its butt and getting some things done for this country already.

Harriet the tortoise turns 175

Harriet the tortoise turns 175 - Yahoo! News

Harriet, at 175, is certainly "old enough to know better." She is the oldest living creature on Earth. And she's still going strong.

It is said that Harriet was first found by Charles Darwin in 1836, no less.

Find a photo of Harriet, with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Irwin, in this article.

Study shows tamoxifen can prevent cancer for years

Study shows tamoxifen can prevent cancer for years - Yahoo! News

This is good news for those of us taking tamoxifen for breast cancer prevention. It means that tamoxifen is even more helpful than formerly believed.

Interesting, also, that this article mentions tamoxifen being good for bones, too.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Lazy Man's Workout Video

Lazy Man's Workout Video and other Funny Videos and Clips on - Your Web Repository of Stupid Videos

"Most people start to see results within 3-4 years!"

Applicable to women, too, even kids. It's especially for those of us who don't get up off our butts often enough (Who, me?)

Actually, go ahead and do these exercises, right now. You're already sitting down. No excuse, no excuse.

Coffee in pregnancy may be risky: study

Coffee in pregnancy may be risky: study - Yahoo! News

Well, sure, if you drink the 8+ cups/day mentioned in this study.

Recommended by experts is 3 cups or less/day.

That plain makes sense.

Consider, also, that too much coffee can be dehydrating. Not good for anyone and, especially, not good for pregnant women and their unborn.

And always drink plenty of water.

Monday, November 14, 2005

For an E-Mail Subscription to This Blog

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CafePress Holiday Shipping Promo Begins 11/15

You might want to take advantage:

Free Super Saver Shipping on orders over $50

Coupon Code: FreeShipOffer

Date: Nov 15 - Dec 6

PS: I'm still adding more merchandise to For Women Old Enough to Know Better store, please keep checking back.


American Memory Digital Item Display - VM92-000284

And, you thought you had it hard...!

Pioneer women in the Midwest photo - from the Library of Congress

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dogs At Work And Play [Okay, photo of cute Lab puppies]

Dogs At Work And Play on Yahoo! News Photos


US warns sellers of 'alternative' hormone treatments

US warns sellers of 'alternative' hormone treatments - Yahoo! News

More hormones in the news.

Yep, if women think that they can handle their osteoporosis with these "alternative" hormone therapies, they had better think again. The FDA agrees.

Get your bone density tests and, if needed, take your Fosamax or other "bone" drug. Beats risking a broken hip, etc. Don't play games with osteoporosis.

Warning Issued for Birth-Control Patch

Warning Issued for Birth-Control Patch - Yahoo! News

Women do keep having problems with their intake of hormones. Whether for birth control or for HRT.

Although, admittedly, "The Pill" is great birth control (and I speak from past experience), but, obviously, with definite risks. There still is no easy, really good, answer for birth control

The following is plain scary for me...

"New published studies show that women using the patch absorb about 50 percent more estrogen than with the pill, said Dr. Leslie Miller, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Washington.

When women take the pill, the medication is absorbed into the bloodstream through the digestive tract. In the process, about half of the estrogen dose is lost."

Background to that, I was taking HRT pills, on the advice of my doctor; then, on the advice of my next doctor, started using the HRT patch and was told the patch would be safer because the hormones went straight into the blood, bypassing the digestive tract.

Next chapter, I came down with breast cancer, with a tumor that was, and I quote my pathology report, a "very strong receptor of estrogen." Not merely just "strong", but "very strong." My tumor was nuts for estrogen.

After full cancer treatment I am now taking Tamoxifen, an estrogen-blocker. Which, ironically, means I have less estrogen now than I did prior to HRT.

To repeat myself, in conclusion...

Women do keep having problems with their intake of hormones. Whether for birth control or for HRT.

When are the experts going to get this right?!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Microwave your bra to stay warm this winter

Microwave your bra to stay warm this winter - Yahoo! News

Not just any bra. Something different from our friends in Japan. Also features a dangling hot pepper pendant, plus a thing to wrap around your neck to keep it warm also.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Colas, not coffee, linked to hypertension in women

Colas, not coffee, linked to hypertension in women - Yahoo! News

Hmm, and, just before I read this article, I had grabbed a Diet Coke instead of a cup of coffee...

Women May Enjoy Humor More, if It's Funny

Women May Enjoy Humor More, if It's Funny - Yahoo! News

I love humor - I believe it one of God's blessings. It's certainly helped me through a lot of junk.

I was told once, "It's better to lose a leg than to lose your sense of humor." Yeah, maybe so.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Cancer Survivors May Not Get Needed Care

Cancer Survivors May Not Get Needed Care - Yahoo! News

As a breast cancer survivor, I'll vouch for this. And, for the reasons stated in the article. I like the recommendations mentioned.

BTW, while I know it's a good thing for people to be aware of breast cancer, personally I'm rather glad "October Breast Cancer Awareness Month" is over. Believe me, I'm much more aware of breast cancer than I want to be! Moving on...

Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude

Generation Y: They've arrived at work with a new attitude - Yahoo! News

Some of us have kids in this generation (for example, I have a son in college).

I find this article to be very on target with my personal experience with my son, his friends, and the other Gen Ys I've come across.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Osteoporosis screening, therapy is cost effective [If You're Over 50, Get Your Bone Density Test]

Osteoporosis screening, therapy is cost effective - Yahoo! News

I totally believe in the value of women over 50 getting bone density tests.

In fact, I asked about a bone density test when I was (only?) 50 - and it's a darn good thing that I did because I did test to have osteoporosis. I've been on Fosamax since. Thank God I didn't have to break a hip first before I found out about my osteoporosis.

One thing, however, that bugs me about this article, even offends me - it emphasizes cost effectiveness. What about the health and well-being of older women? Isn't that even more important?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Popular Snowman T-Shirt Raises Concerns

Popular Snowman T-Shirt Raises Concerns - Yahoo! News

Bummer. Especially as winter and Christmas approaches. I wish snowmen were about happy (albeit, cold) times - and not about drugs!

It's just sad, somehow.

Anyway, moms and grandmas, here's a heads-up.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Anger is Good For You [Well, within limits!]

Anger is Good For You - Yahoo! News

This confirms what I've found to be true for myself: I'd much rather be pissed off then surrender to despair.

Anger has an energy and momentum to it; while despair is quite the opposite and can leave you stuck in inertia, drained of the energy and drive to do much of anything to try to make things better.

I'll take anger over depression any day.

However, as the article points out, chronic anger is certanly not a good or healthy thing. Besides being unhealthy, that much anger is just too negative.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

CNN's Aaron Brown Leaving the Network

CNN's Aaron Brown Leaving the Network - Yahoo! News

I'm bummed. While I like Anderson Cooper, doesn't it have to be either/or, couldn't it be both/and?

BTW, I never could understand why CNN took away "The Whip" - that was the best part of "Newsnight."