(That's the latest - the transparent background - version of "Groovy Grandma" at left.)
Check out the "Sales & Features" section of the store For Women Old Enough... for featured Lent/Easter Christian crosses, flowers, green Celtic Christian crosses (St. Pat's is coming), and plenty - lot and lots - of pink graphics, as well as pink shirts. Think Spring.
Lots of new shirts have been added recently to this store (as well as my Music Stuff & More store). Just today I added transparent-background versions of the "Moms Rule", "Grannies Rule", and "Groovy Grandma" graphics so that they could be added to the dark shirts available on CafePress now (see "Groovy Grandma" graphic just above - the brand-new version).
"Dark", BTW, includes a jillion other colors now in addition to black. For example, green, red, and blue now come on "dark" shirts. Women's "dark" T-shirts now include purple (violet?), red, aqua, and gray. There are many more colors of shirts these days around here. And, V-necks are now available, and many more Women's-sized shirts.