Friday, February 02, 2007

Savings tumble poses risk to boomers

Savings tumble poses risk to boomers - Yahoo! News (AP)

Are YOU saving?

From the article:

"The 1 percent negative savings rate in 2006 followed a 0.4 percent negative rate in 2005. There have been only four years in history that the savings rate has fallen into negative territory. The other two were 1932 and 1933 during the Great Depression."

And a woman is quoted saying: "I think we are consumer-driven. We have to have things."

NO, you don't freaking *have to have* things. Jeesh.

I'll admit that a portion of the problem is the troubling and growing gap between the haves and the have-nots. But, just the same...

(Can you tell I'm in a disgusted mood toward humanity - mostly my fellow Americans - today as a result of yesterday's report about our planet being busted, mostly on account of us, and there's not too much we can do about it. It's small satisfaction that I can say "I told you so." as I plan to purchase a couple of air conditioners. Looks as if I might be living closer to the beach someday - without even moving.)

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