Wednesday, November 16, 2005

ABC News: Is Sauerkraut the Next Chicken Soup?

ABC News: Is Sauerkraut the Next Chicken Soup?

This is about reports that sauerkraut and kim chi (a similar Korean fermented cabbage dish) might possibly help fight off avian (bird) flu.

Furthermore, it may also help prevent breast cancer.

This is about the lactic acid in fermented cabbage, in addition to the fact that cabbage, in whatever form, is chockful of vitamins.

Note that cabbage is low in cost. As well as something that can be prepared in many, many ways either cooked or raw.

I have some concern about the saltiness of sauerkraut, excess salt being a negative in regard to high blood pressure (which my husband has) and osteoporosis (which I have). All around, too much salt is not a good thing. The answer, perhaps, which is something I already do: rinse the sauerkraut thoroughly before eating. Just open the can or jar and dump the kraut into a strainer in your sink, then run water through it. (I hope this doesn't wash away the good lactic acid!) Also, to eat sauerkraut in moderation.

But, any way you look at it, cabbage is a good, healthy thing, bird flu or not, kraut or not.

Consider cole slaw or Borscht...yummm...

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